Monday 22 October 2012

Meeting the Time Lord


      It was not that long ago, I was just a normal high school trying to get by with her studies. All it took was one second for my entire world to change. It was a normal school day, nothing different from the day before. I was walking home from school enjoying what little sun was left on that cold October day, when all of the sudden dark clouds started to reel in and thunder and lightning started to crackle. Since after all I do live in Canada, and we have had our fair share of thunderstorms, I thought that nothing was out of the ordinary until this one single bolt struck down into the middle of a clearing near my house. I thought that that single bolt of lightning was strange so I went to investigate it. When I got there the clearing was covered in smoke, but when the smoke started to clear I saw the distinct outline of something in the distance. The closer I got, the more I could tell what the object was. In the middle of the clearing stood a blue telephone booth, something you do not see at all in Canada. 
The Doctor
As if magic, out from the booth comes a man sporting a suit with brown hair and eyes. When he realized someone was in the clearing with him, he introduced himself as the Doctor. Confused and shocked at what was before me, I went along and introduced myself. He went on to tell me how he was a renegade time lord from the planet Gallifrey and he travel by the odd telephone booth, otherwise known as TARDIS. He proceeded to tell me that he came to earth in search for a companion to travel with, and that I saved him the trouble of having to search for someone by going straight to him. He said if I was willing to travel with him I could pick a place to go to. I told him that since I have a project due in history class about ancient Egypt, I thought it would be fitting to travel there to get information for my project. He agreed to my proposal and said that I could choose five destinations to go to since we were on limited time. After picking the five destinations to go to, we both entered the blue phone booth, off to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt. These were our findings.

  2012   1800   1300   500    30    10 BCE   150 BCE   1200 BCE    2740 BCE    3000 BCE

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